


一家集船舶谋划,船舶治理,航运署理,保税物流,船舶外派,海员培训,船舶经纪于一体的大型集团公司  。


  • 分类:集团网络
  • 宣布时间:2020-12-16 13:34:20
  • 会见量:0
  918博天堂前身为烟台918博天堂船务有限公司, 建设于1994年,是一家经交通部批准的民营船舶治理公司  。
  现在,公司治理散货船7艘,杂货船10艘,共计17艘  。船舶吨位从2600吨到12000吨不等  。其中 ;2860DWT 姊妹船7艘, 3600DWT 姊妹船4艘, 8500DWT姊妹船4艘, 和12000DWT姊妹船2艘. 8500DWT 和12000DWT 船划分派有两只30吨克令吊  。
  公司船舶所有通过了ISM和ISPS系统认证,公司亦取得了CCS认证的DOC证书  。
  船队主要航行于中,日,韩,俄罗斯远东,中国台湾,东南亚,以及印度等航线, 为了知足客户需求,除了以上主要航线,还配合客户开展其他的航线,力争提供全方位的效劳  。
  公司拥有一大批多年从事国际航运的高级人才,所有受过优异的教育,具有较高的英语水平和高尚的职业品德和敬业精神  。熟悉海内外航运营业,掌握海内外航运信息,可以在租船,揽货,订舱,船舶生意,信息咨询  。尤其是在大件货、散货运输、以及对运输质量要求较量高的货物运输方面可以给客户提供专业到位的效劳
  一大批拥有多年船上事情履历的船长和老轨在公司任职,他们熟知国际条约,并能凭证条约要求来有用的治理船队  。多年来,依附专业的手艺以及敬业的治理,使918博天堂的治理水平位居中国船舶治理行业前线! 
  Established in 1994, Yantai Golden Ocean Shipping Co.Ltd is a professional shipping management company approved by the Ministry of Communication of the P.R.C.
  As a Persified service company, she now operates and manages a variety of bulk/general cargo fleet of nearly 30 vessels with dead weight different from 2000 to 12000, sailing mainly among China, Japan, Korea, S.Korea, Russia, South-East Asia ,India etc. Annual transportation amount is more than 3.5 million tons. Now all of the vessels have passed the authentication of ISM code and the company has got the DOC of CCS.
  During the ten-years development, the company is dedicated to the commitments to a safer, faster, and more reliable tramper service. From 2000, she began to renew the fleet. By now, she has seventeen 2870dwt vessels ,four 3700dwt vessels ,four 8500dwt vessels and four 12000dwt vessels . One of the superiorities of our fleet is that the four types of vessels exist as sister vessels which can make us very easy to change vessel once her sister vessels delayed ,can make the shipment more punctual and more smooth . 
  Besides operating/managing above vessels, the company also engaged in chartering, brokering, and ship repairing etc.
  The company fully utilizes its advantage in attracting and gathering high-level talents, adopts various measures to absorb cultivate and use all kinds of shipping talents. Now she has total 30 highly qualified staffs in the office with many years’ experience in international maritime transport and shipping management, and nearly 400 crews on board.
  “Perfect Brand, Perfect Service; Perfect credit, Perfect Benefit” make Yantai Golden Ocean Shipping Co.,Ltd. into one of the leading carriers in the shore traffic ocean going market, also make her brand recognized and admired both in home and abroad.